Sunday, March 1, 2015

Kid Boxer

Kid Boxer
Real Name: Caetano Manuel Pereira
Born: 17th February 1917
Died: 3rd March 1991

Caetano Manuel Pereira was born on February 17, 1917 at Siolim, Goa. His childhood naughtiness earned him the nickname ‘Boxer’ which was adapted to the stage name of Kid Boxer by Ernest Rebello. At first he used to act in small small tiatrs and like other tiatrist he got his first break to sing in Ernest Rebello tiat BOMBAINCHI ISTIL. Kids song was was so good that gradually he got offers to sing in tiatrs of the famous directors and artists of the time like,  Joao Agostinho Fernandes, Souza Ferrao, J.P.Souzalin, Andrew Fernandes, Saib Rocha, Miss Julie,Anthony Too Loo, Champion Alvares, Minguel Rod, Anthony Mendes, Young Menezes,  C.Alvares, Alfred Rose, Remmie Colaco etc

Kid Boxers first tiatr was OSTORI, but his most famous tiatr was KIDACHEM SOPON, besides these he wrote Editor Ponch de Bombaim' Ankvar ani Kazari', 'Zata tem Boreak', 'Bhoinn', 'Militar', 'Zulum', 'Amchim Natalam', 'Goa', 'Bankruttan Bankrutt', 'Fuddar', 'Mhozo Oprad', 'Adeus vo Nimnni Bhett'.

He was a member of the famous Kid-Young-Rod trio. The second member was Young Menezes, a jet-speed singer, who once sang a self-composed song of 500 words without pausing to renew his breath. Minguel Rod, one of the greatest Konkani tiatrists, completed the triumvirate.

In 1958 Kid Boxer sang an Anti Indian Song in Mumbai. Goan Freedom Fighters there got him jailed and he was later deported to Goa( shows that Independent India knew that Goa was an independent entity). The Portuguese employed him in Emisorra Goa and as an artist he worked with the likes of Jacinto Vaz, Allen Costa and Georgina Jacques. 

According to many he was the highest paid Konkani artist of that time. Some of his hits were. Divo pettounk guneanacher/ Uzwadd ieunk Chintnacher/ Zo Kon zanna konnem ghoram bandleant tim pongeranchea zaddacher. Suskar soddlet maeyani/Dolle bhortat dukhani/ Aiz putancheo maeyom duddu na zaun, rodtat zorinnim. A song in codes though whose actual meaning was known to his close friends only. Yet his songs were Poppular. The above was scripted when the GOVT Of India banned money transfers and travel for Bombay Goans to Goa in wake of the economic blockade in the 1950’s.
After the Indian Invasion he was again arrested while singing in Mapusa. The song he sung was. Tum Bhitor sorlai chukon, mortoloi sukon, dusreacho desh pochona; Tum nestai fokot valo, ani khatai fokot palo, hem matui hanga sobona; Tum panpotti khatai, ani poch’chu korun thuktai, lozui kaim dissona…..
After his release Kid returned to Bombay and began stage acting again. In one of his shows containing a ‘zupatti’(tongue lashing) a so called Goan freedom fighter raised a rukus over his anti National song. Though the Audience was with Kid the Law was not. He was arrested and incarcerated at Nasik jail for 6 months and tortured Physically and mercilessly. Still his spirit was not quashed. He wrote another Tiatr, “Somzonnem Zali Chuk”. Here he sang a hit, “Suv mhoine Nasik coventan kaddle, torui converter zaunk na” which means “ Despite being in a Convent in Nasik for 6 months I was not converted”.
Kid boxer was an expert and incomparable delivering his melodious ‘zupattis,’ like ‘Nesson dusreachem kapodd, hath paiem kamrun bosleat Makod.” This was in accordance to his conviction and as that of many Goans that Goa was invaded and illegally occupied by India. He passed away on 3rd March 1991 in Parel, Bombay.

Among others, the three great pillars of the golden era were KID-YOUNG-ROD (Kid Boxer, Young Menezes and Minguel Rod); they went on to become the most popular combination of the period.

In the following song, Jr. Rod presents us the above-mentioned three characters by singing one each verse and chorus of their original songs: Here is the verse of Kid Boxer

"KID-YOUNG-ROD" by Jr. Rod

Khorench Young Menezes-ak azunui favo vhodd maan
Tannem fast kantaram mhunnon dakoilem tiatristank
Tosoch Kid Boxer oparinchea kantaranim azun asa tann
Dekun Kiddacheo opari atam aikat sintidan

Mim kevrila ala vota Goela, kai fine zaga mure dhandela
Thonddu dukhachi mannsa bogaila, ar’re xethkari gaborte bhattkarla
Va very good night, bhattkar light, xethkari xeth korun raddtta mhunnche kai re, atam tras dite vaitt, atam tumich boga saib, dita bolun pian vazta savkarachi wife
Mi Goela dete vote maddachi, avxila bore mhunntat kazunchi
Bomboila gete vote dobbeachi, punn baiko bolte guttan iete tonddachi
Hadnaim fuk, baiko marte bukh, jasti zali tor ti sangte bhair zavn zop
Ar’re darucha rop, mhunnchem jivitacha fog, mister telling to drink mekomblleacho sop

Kid Boxers popular songs were Simitir, Xenddo,Ugddas, Uzo Petlo and Marekar Teomp with Remmie Colaco.

Courtesy Inputs from the net